Thursday, March 3, 2011


I used to despise the notion of heaven and hell.

It's much easier to believe that this life is all there is. It's much easier to believe that we should take all we can, get all we can, or even give all we can, right here and right now, because when the lights go out, there's nothing to concern ourselves with anymore. Nice and tidy.

Why would a loving God condemn anyone to hell? The thought of it disgusted me. I'm not sure if it's because I believed I was going to hell, because I believed I deserved to go to hell, or because I believed that anyone was going or deserved to go to hell. Sick and wrong.

Here's what changed everything for me: This isn't all there is, and we get a choice of what's next. Heaven is spending eternity with God. Hell is spending eternity without God. This isn't all there is, and we get a choice of what's next. Amazing and true.

How sure are you that if you died now you would go to heaven?  

He is jealous for me
loves like a hurricane, I am a tree
bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy
we are His portion and He is our prize
drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes
if grace is an ocean, we're all sinking
~ Kim Walker


  1. Thanks for that, Tom. The fact that Jesus would willingly go to the cross for you and I was the greatest choice of all! He does indeed love us...

  2. ...and to be apart from the God who would bear our punishment for eternity is far worse than any physical pain. It is hopeless.

    Thanks Tom!
