I'm not big on waiting, especially for things I want. If God worked on my schedule, I'd be getting what I wanted a lot quicker. There are people to see, places to go, and things to do. I don't have time to mess around with His plans, especially since they don't all revolve directly around me.
Not now and not in this way, You say? What You have in store for me is better than anything real or imagined here on earth? There are reasons beyond me and my comprehension as to why I must be patient and even content?
Get with the program, God, I've got a plan for me and mine. And, as long as you don't ask me to work on Your schedule, we should be good to go.
Wait, Your plan is perfect? Oh. O.K. I'm intrigued. Allow me to check it out. Be patient. Just give me some time. I'll come around. When I'm ready.